TTT-Bookish Pet Peeves

Well, it’s Tuesday, so that must mean it’s time for Top Ten Tuesday!

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl but was started by The Broke and the Bookish.

This weeks TTT is all about Bookish Pet Peeves! And I wasn’t sure I even had ten, turns out, I do!

Dog Eared Pages

No, not when you do them. See, when I do them I noticed that I have a habit of stopping in the same places in books. And then the unthinkable will happen. I will rip the page!

Though I do believe they are a valid lifestyle choice, I don’t dog ear pages anymore.

Animals Sitting On Books

And no, I don’t mean in this cute, “I’m gonna read now way”. I mean in the “I’m gonna sit on this and maybe bend the pages way”! Okay, so it may still be cute, and we may not be able to move them right away based on the rule ( I don’t make them!) But I hates it!

When My Cat Gets Hair All Over My Books

I have a TBR Cart. It stands there, tall and proud.

But because of how it sits next to the couch my cat likes to rub her face all over it. Which means the books on top are regularly coated in fluffy cat hair. I’m always and forever cleaning the books off. The simple solution would be to just move the cart, but having the books there is just so handy.

When Books Get Wet

Um no, just no. Why is the world so cruel as to allow the pages of our sacred texts to get ruined in such a fashion?

Making Fun of Authors

This has become a big one for me. I’ve noticed a trend (is it really, or is it just my TikTok?) of people mocking authors who write weird or unusual things. Don’t mock the authors when your the ones buying and reading the material just to make fun of it and the writer.

Stickers That Are Printed on the Books

Ugh! Just no! Why do they do that? It’s to mess with us right? Especially for new releases. Take, for example, The Firekeeper’s Daughter. It was a Reese’s Book Club pick before it was released and every copy of that book that was printed comes with that stupid printed sticker!

Price Stickers on Books

Okay, so this one is a little weird, but I don’t like it when book stores put their own bar code stickers on top of the book’s original bar code. It’s very annoying! And I don’t know why it bothers me so much!

When Covers Change in the Middle of a Series

The most common example of this is ACOTAR. Now I don’t own any of these books myself, but it does try my patience. Like for real, how hard is it to continue to work in the same style? Being Wrong About the Condition of a Book!

I can’t tell you what a pain in the butt it is when I’ve ordered an the option was new or like new and what came was very much not either of those things. Dislike!

Someone Interrupting Me While I’m Reading

Just no. Don’t do it. Why would you do that? Who would do that? Monsters and serial killers, that’s who. Are you a serial killer? You must be if you are interrupting my book!

And there you have it. My ten bookish pet peeves. That last one though. That’s the big one! Zeesh.

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