The Thanksgiving Book Tag- Part Two

Happy Turkey Day everyone! I hope all is well with you and you aren’t running around like a turkey with its head cut off trying to prepare for the day. Remember to take time and relax, drink plenty of water, and actually spend time with your loved ones today. It’s not just about the food on the table.

But on to the second of my Thanksgiving tags. I found this one on The Sassy Book Geek’s blog and it originated with Erin and Becca at Fangirlscity on YouTube.

Bread- What book is purely fluff, and has no real plot line?

Anita Blake Series by Laurell K. Hamilton

So I can’t remember which book exactly it is in this series where it went from “hey, this book has a plot” to “hey, where did the plot go?” but it happened. These books used to be good, but somewhere along the way, it became about how much smut the author could squeeze in. So yeah. This whole series.

Turkey- What book made you want to fall asleep?

Divergent by Veronica Roth

I don’t know what it is about this series, but I just…yeah. It wasn’t very great. It just bored me. To the point where I didn’t really care how it ended. At all. Ever. I think I only watched the movie one day because I was bored. Le sigh. I know. You probably love this series. I just…don’t.

Gravy- What book makes the whole series worth reading?

Magic’s Price by Mercedes Lackey

Have y’all gotten tired of me talking about these books already? No? Good. In all seriousness, this is the rare third book where the payoff is absolutely worth it. It will inspire you to read every book in the Valdemar world.

Stuffing- What book is stuffed full of action scenes?

The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang

While this book does have its slower moments, its action scenes are superb. It’s a grimdark book, to be sure. But it is excellent.

Mashed Potatoes- What book looked good, and then wasn’t?

The Power by Naomi Alderman

This book sounded like it would be great. It had everything going for it. All the things I like in a book, and yet here we are, putting it in the dislike/disappoint pile. I don’t feel too bad though, my book club didn’t like it either.

Cranberries- What book has the sweetest romance?

The Ex Hex by Erin Starling

I don’t really read books for the romances, so this was the first one I thought of. Probably because it was my most recent romance read. It was good. Rhys and Vivienne were cute together and the book left me wanting to know more about them in the “I want a sequel way”.

Corn- What’s the corniest book you’ve ever read?

In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren

This has one of my favorite genre tropes, the time loop. And though the main character didn’t spend a lot of time in it, the book did still have the cheese factor I expect from that trope. It was still a cute book. But totally corny.

Green beans- What book is too long and needs to be shortened?

Dune by Frank Herbert

There is a lot of unnecessary exposition in this book. It could be because I don’t like this “epic masterpiece” but it doesn’t need to be that long. Did enjoy the recent movie release though. What? I’m weird.

Pumpkin Pie- What book do you read to get out of a reading slump?

Naked in Death by JD Robb

It’s not just this book, it’s the whole series. I can also get out of a reading slump with the Heralds of Valdemar series. Both work equally well. Besides, there’s something nice (and possibly daunting) about knowing you have 53 books to get to know your characters.

Dog/Cat- What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food that you would steal from the table?

Pumpkin Pie

It’s my absolute favorite thing on the Thanksgiving table. Well, that and dressing and gravy. Oh, and mashed potatoes with lots of butter. But yes, pumpkin pie!

What would your answers be? I tag you to do this! You know, if you have time.

6 thoughts on “The Thanksgiving Book Tag- Part Two

  1. Magic’s Price is just such an amazing emotional roller coaster of a book. The whole trilogy is brilliant and as you say, an inspiration to read the whole series. I currently have Poppy War to read from the library and definitely looking forward to it.


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